Decibel List
Compare These Decibel Levels With the Metro Gun System
The Metro Gun System registers 72 Db.

Below is a liat of everyday items and the decibel-level of these items:
- 0 - The softest sound a person with normal hearing can hear
- 10 - Normal breathing
- 20 - Whispering at 5 feet
- 30 - Soft whisper
- 50 - Rainfall
- 60 - Normal conversation
- 110 - Shouting in ear
- 120 - Thunder
- 50 - Refrigerator
- 50 - 60 - Electric toothbrush
- 50 - 75 - Washing machine, air conditioner
- 50 - 80 - Electric shaver
- 55 - Coffee percolator
- 55 - 70 - Dishwasher
- 60 - Sewing machine
- 60 - 85 - Vacuum cleaner
- 60 - 95 - Hair dryer
- 65 - 80 - Alarm clock
- 70 - TV audio
- 70 - 80 - Coffee grinder
- 70 - 95 - Garbage disposal
- 75 - 85 - Toilet flushing
- 80 - Doorbell
- 80 - Telephone ringing
- 80 - 90 - Blender
- 80 - 95 - Garbage disposal
- 110 - Baby crying
- 110 - Squeaky toy held close to the ear
- 40 - Quiet office, library
- 50 - Large office
- 65 - 95 - Power lawn mower
- 80 - Manual machine, tools
- 85 - Handsaw
- 90 - Tractor
- 90 - 115 - Subway
- 95 - Electric drill
- 100 - Factory machinery
- 100 - Woodworking class
- 105 - Snow blower
- 110 - Power saw
- 110 - Leafblower
- 120 - Chain saw, hammer on nail
- 120 - Ambulance siren
- 130 - Jackhammer, power drill
- 130 - Percussion section at symphony
- 140 - Airplane taking off
- 150 - Jet engine taking off
- 180 - Rocket launching from pad
- 95 - 110 - Motorcycle
- 100 - Snowmobile
- 110 - Disco
- 110 - Busy video arcade
- 110 - Symphony concert
- 110 - Car horn
- 110 - 120 - Rock concert
- 117 - Football game (stadium)
- 125 - Auto stereo (factory installed)
- 130 - Stock car races
- 150 - Firecracker
- 163 - Rifle
- 166 - Handgun
- 170 - Shotgun